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How To Grow Yellow Crookneck Squash Plants In Days

Yellow crookneck squash is a delicious and versatile summer squash that is easy to grow. With a little planning and care, you can be harvesting your own homegrown squash in just 70 days.

In this blog post, I will walk you through the steps on how to grow yellow crookneck squash plants. I will cover everything from choosing the right seeds to harvesting your crop.

So whether you are a beginner gardener or a seasoned pro, this post is for you. Let's get started!

Choosing the Right Seeds

The first step is to choose the right seeds. There are many different varieties of yellow crookneck squash available, so take some time to research and find one that is right for you.

Some factors to consider when choosing seeds include:

  • The maturity date of the variety. Some varieties are ready to harvest in as little as 50 days, while others may take up to 80 days.
  • The size of the squash. Some varieties produce small, golf ball-sized squash, while others can grow to be several pounds in weight.
  • The flavor of the squash. Some varieties have a mild flavor, while others have a more pronounced flavor.

Once you have chosen the right seeds, it is time to start planting.

Planting Yellow Crookneck Squash

Yellow crookneck squash can be planted directly in the ground or started indoors in pots. If you are planting directly in the ground, wait until the soil has warmed up to at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Squash seeds should be planted about 1 inch deep and 2-3 feet apart. Space the rows 3-4 feet apart.

Squash plants need full sun and well-drained soil. Amend the soil with compost or manure before planting to improve drainage and fertility.

Watering and Fertilizing Yellow Crookneck Squash

Yellow crookneck squash plants need regular watering, especially during the hot summer months. Water the plants deeply once or twice a week, or more often if the weather is hot and dry.

Squash plants also need regular fertilization. Fertilize the plants every 4-6 weeks with a balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 fertilizer.

Harvesting Yellow Crookneck Squash

Yellow crookneck squash is ready to harvest when it is 6-8 inches long. The squash should be firm and have a bright yellow color.

To harvest the squash, simply cut it from the vine with a sharp knife. Be sure to leave a small portion of the stem attached to the squash.

Enjoying Yellow Crookneck Squash

Yellow crookneck squash is a delicious and versatile vegetable. It can be eaten raw, cooked, or pickled.

Some popular ways to cook yellow crookneck squash include:

  • Sauteed with onions and peppers
  • Roasted with other vegetables
  • Grilled
  • Stuffed
  • Made into soup or stew

Yellow crookneck squash can also be pickled or canned for later use.


Growing yellow crookneck squash plants is a rewarding experience. With a little care and attention, you can be harvesting your own homegrown squash in just 70 days.

So what are you waiting for? Start planting today!

To learn more about how to grow yellow crookneck squash, visit Garden Wiki.

FAQ of yellow crookneck squash plant

  • When is the best time to plant yellow crookneck squash?

Yellow crookneck squash can be planted in the spring or fall, but it is best to plant them when the soil temperature is at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are planting them in the spring, wait until after the last frost.

  • How do I start yellow crookneck squash seeds?

You can start yellow crookneck squash seeds indoors or outdoors. If you start them indoors, sow the seeds 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Plant the seeds 1 inch deep in a well-draining potting mix. When the seedlings have two sets of leaves, transplant them outdoors. If you are planting them outdoors, sow the seeds directly in the garden 2 weeks after the last frost. Plant the seeds 1 inch deep and 2-3 feet apart.

  • How much sunlight do yellow crookneck squash plants need?

Yellow crookneck squash plants need full sun, at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. If you live in a hot climate, you may need to provide some shade in the afternoon.

  • How much water do yellow crookneck squash plants need?

Yellow crookneck squash plants need regular watering, especially during the hot summer months. Water the plants deeply once a week, or more often if the weather is hot and dry.

  • How do I fertilize yellow crookneck squash plants?

Yellow crookneck squash plants are heavy feeders, so they need to be fertilized regularly. Fertilize the plants every 2-3 weeks with a balanced fertilizer. You can also use compost or manure to fertilize the plants.

  • How do I know when to harvest yellow crookneck squash?

Yellow crookneck squash are ready to harvest when they are 6-8 inches long. The skin should be smooth and the flesh should be firm. If you wait too long to harvest the squash, they will become tough and bitter.

  • What are some common pests and diseases of yellow crookneck squash?

Yellow crookneck squash are susceptible to a few pests and diseases, including squash bugs, powdery mildew, and vine borers. If you see any signs of pests or diseases, you can treat them with insecticidal soap, neem oil, or other organic pesticides.

Image of yellow crookneck squash plant

10 different images of yellow crookneck squash plant that are free to use:

  1. Yellow crookneck squash plant with green leaves.
  2. Close-up of a yellow crookneck squash.
  3. Yellow crookneck squash plant with flowers.
  4. Yellow crookneck squash plant with fruits in different stages of growth.
  5. Yellow crookneck squash plant growing in a garden.
  6. Yellow crookneck squash plant with a white stripe.
  7. Yellow crookneck squash plant with a light green stripe.
  8. Yellow crookneck squash plant with a dark green stripe.
  9. Yellow crookneck squash plant with a mottled appearance.
  10. Yellow crookneck squash plant with a smooth appearance.

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